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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



Processes  2013 

Photochemical Patterning of Ionically Cross-Linked Hydrogels

DOI: 10.3390/pr1020153

Keywords: alginate, photoresist, iron, responsive hydrogel

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Iron(III) cross-linked alginate hydrogel incorporating sodium lactate undergoes photoinduced degradation, thus serving as a biocompatible positive photoresist suitable for photochemical patterning. Alternatively, surface etching of iron(III) cross-linked hydrogel contacting lactic acid solution can be used for controlling the thickness of the photochemical pattering. Due to biocompatibility, both of these approaches appear potentially useful for advanced manipulation with cell cultures including growing cells on the surface or entrapping them within the hydrogel.


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