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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



Resources  2013 

Collaborative Consumption: Towards a Resource-Saving Consumption Culture

DOI: 10.3390/resources2030184

Keywords: collaborative consumption, resource efficiency, resource saving potential, rebound effects, product sharing, service, product service systems, ownership-substituting services, sustainable consumption patterns

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Resource efficiency in production and technological innovations are inadequate for considerably reducing the current use of natural resources. Both social innovations and a complementary and equally valued strategy of sustainable consumption are required: goods must be used longer, and services that support collaborative consumption (CC) patterns must be extended. “Using rather than owning” strategies, such as product sharing, have the potential to conserve resources. Based on the results of different German studies, this article highlights the resource-saving potentials of CC patterns and recommendations proposed for policies and further research questions. The purpose of this paper is to show that a general resource-saving potential can be realized by “use rather than own” schemes, depending on the application field and the framework for implementation. CC is suitable for making a positive contribution to achieving the Factor 10 target by playing an important role in changing consumer patterns.


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