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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Bug Localization in Test-Driven Development

DOI: 10.1155/2011/492757

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Software development teams that use agile methodologies are increasingly adopting the test-driven development practice (TDD). TDD allows to produce software by iterative and incremental work cycle, and with a strict control over the process, favouring an early detection of bugs. However, when applied to large and complex systems, TDD benefits are not so obvious; manually locating and fixing bugs introduced during the iterative development steps is a nontrivial task. In such systems, the propagation chains following the bugs activation can be unacceptably long and intricate, and the size of the code to be analyzed is often too large. In this paper, a bug localization technique specifically tailored to TDD is presented. The technique is embedded in the TDD cycle, and it aims to improve developers' ability to locate bugs as soon as possible. It is implemented in a tool and experimentally evaluated on newly developed Java programs. 1. Introduction Test driven development (TDD) is a technique to incrementally develop software, that was sporadically used for decades, and that re-emerged in the last years as development paradigm in the context of the so-called agile methodologies. The increasing adoption of extreme programming (XP) in various industrial projects as well as the identification of TDD as a key strategy in agile software development have captured in recent years an increasing attention also by academic research. As stated by Janzen and Saiedian [1], the TDD is an example of how the academic research sometimes follows the most spread and accepted software practice, rather than leading it. The XP methodology is conceived to reduce the time-to-market of software systems, and the use of TDD practice in XP allows developing more robust programs. Several studies showed this trend, claiming the attention of various researchers, which started to study the ability of TDD to detect software faults earlier in the development process [2–5]. In TDD, the developer writes unit tests from a set of user requirements/functionalities, before writing the code itself. Then s/he implements the code needed to pass the tests, until he succeeds. When a bug is detected, it is promptly fixed. Once the tests are passed, the developer performs the refactoring of the code to acceptable standards; then s/he proceeds to define a new set of test cases for other functionalities and implements a new piece of code to pass them. In this cycle, even when the tests are successful, the code for new functionalities can easily compromise the previously implemented ones, introducing what


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