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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Fence Methods

DOI: 10.1155/2014/830821

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This paper provides an overview of a recently developed class of strategies for model selection, known as the fence methods. It also offers directions of future research as well as challenging problems. 1. Introduction On the morning of March 16, 1971, Hirotugu Akaike, as he was taking a seat on a commuter train, came out with the idea of a connection between the relative Kullback-Liebler discrepancy and the empirical log-likelihood function, a procedure that was later named Akaike’s information criterion, or AIC (Akaike [1, 2]; see Bozdogan [3] for the historical note). The idea has allowed major advances in model selection and related fields. See, for example, de Leeuw [4]. A number of similar criteria have since been proposed, including the Bayesian information criterion (BIC; Schwarz [5]), a criterion due to Hannan and Quinn (HQ; [6]), and the generalized information criterion (GIC; Nishii [7], Shibata [8]). All of the information criteria can be expressed as where is a measure of lack-of-fit by the model, ; is the dimension of , defined as the number of free parameters under ; and is a penalty for complexity of the model, which may depend on the effective sample size, . Although the information criteria are broadly used, difficulties are often encountered, especially in some nonconventional situations. We discuss a number of such cases below. (1) The Effective Sample Size. In many cases, the effective sample size, , is not the same as the number of data points. This often happens when the data are correlated. Take a look at two extreme cases. In the first case, the observations are independent; therefore, the effective sample size should be the same as the number of observations. In the second case, the data are so much correlated that all of the data points are identical. In this case, the effective sample size is 1, regardless of the number of data points. A practical situation may be somewhere between these two extreme cases, such as cases of mixed effects models (e.g., Jiang [9]), which makes the effective sample size difficult to determine. (2) The Dimension of a Model. The dimension of a model, , can also cause difficulties. In some cases, such as the ordinary linear regression, this is simply the number of parameters under , but in other situations, where nonlinear, adaptive models are fitted, this can be substantially different. Ye [10] developed the concept of generalized degrees of freedom (gdf) to track model complexity. For example, in the case of multivariate adaptive regression splines (Friedman [11]), nonlinear terms can have an


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