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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




A Structural Equation Modeling on Factors of How Experienced Teachers Affect the Students’ Science and Mathematics Achievements

DOI: 10.1155/2014/490371

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The main purpose of this study was to propose a model for how elementary school students’ science and mathematics achievements in their schools and in Level Determination Exam (SBS) depend on the number of teachers and expert teachers in their schools. The sample of the study was 5672 elementary students for the purpose of the study, the number of teachers and expert teachers who worked in sample schools has been defined as independent variables, and students’ science and mathematics achievements in their schools and in SBS exam have been defined as dependent variables. The data obtained from school administrations were analyzed using structural equation modeling to analyze relations among students’ science and mathematics grades in their schools and science and mathematics achievements in SBS exam and the number of teachers and expert teachers in their school. As a result of the analysis, it has been observed that established model has acceptable fit indices and an increasing number of teachers and expert teachers have positive effects on students' science and mathematics achievements. 1. Introduction and Literature Review The main purpose of education systems is to reveal desired behaviors to students. The most important of these desired behaviors is the academic achievement of the students performed at school. Students’ academic success and factors affecting students’ science and mathematics achievement parallel to this study have been research subject of many researchers [1–13] as well as many different institutions and have come to the fore in the results of universally made exams such as TIMSS and PISA. The third international mathematics and science study (TIMSS) is the broadest study which is carried out by IAE (International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement) and takes in the students of 38 countries in which Turkey was included in 1999. The main purpose of TIMSS, generalizability of which is admitted to be high in terms of sample which is used also by researchers [4], is to constitute a basis which will provide the countries to see their own programs and teaching methods and present the relation between the programs and methods with students’ mathematics and science achievements, in order to develop the teaching and learning of mathematics and science worldwide [14]. According to TIMSS reports, as a result of the exam which is made to 8th grade students who receive education in Turkey, Turkey is ranked at the 33rd place in science and 31st place in mathematics [15, 16]. Similar results are seen in the results of Program


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