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ISSN: 2333-9721




Wireless Sensor Network Design for Transmission Line Monitoring, Metering, and Controlling: Introducing Broadband over Power Lines-Enhanced Network Model (BPLeNM)

DOI: 10.1155/2014/894628

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This paper introduces the broadband over power lines-enhanced network model (BPLeNM) that is suitable for efficiently delivering the generated data of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) of overhead high-voltage (HV) power grids to the substations. BPLeNM exploits the high data rates of the already installed BPL networks across overhead HV grids. BPLeNM is compared against other two well-verified network models from the relevant literature: the linear network model (LNM) and the optimal arrangement network model (OANM). The contribution of this paper is threefold. First, the general mathematical framework that is necessary for describing WSNs of overhead HV grids is first presented. In detail, the general mathematical formulation of BPLeNM is proposed while the existing formulations of LNM and OANM are extended so as to deal with the general case of overhead HV grids. Based on these general mathematical formulations, the general expression of maximum delay time of the WSN data is determined for the three network models. Second, the three network models are studied and assessed for a plethora of case scenarios. Through these case scenarios, the impact of different lengths of overhead HV grids, different network arrangements, new communications technologies, variation of WSN density across overhead HV grids, and changes of generated WSN data rate on the maximum delay time is thoroughly examined. Third, to assess the performance and the feasibility of the previous network models, the feasibility probability (FP) is proposed. FP is a macroscopic metric that estimates how much practical and economically feasible is the selection of one of the previous three network models. The main conclusion of this paper is that BPLeNM defines a powerful, convenient, and schedulable network model for today’s and future’s overhead HV grids in the smart grid (SG) landscape. 1. Introduction The frenzied developments of information and communication technologies (ICTs) combined with the significant advances in the fields of power monitoring, metering, and controlling are going to have a significant impact on the operation of future’s power systems. Actually, the integration of new ICTs across the vintage transmission and distribution power grids allows utilities and power suppliers to reconsider power grid operation aiming at improving power grid efficiency, quality, and reliability [1–4]. Apart from the insertion of new ICTs, the need for a new smarter grid has arisen due to the aging of grid equipment, the increase of power demands, the integration of alternative and renewable


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