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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Modelling of the Quantum Transport in Strained Si/SiGe/Si Superlattices Based P-i-n Infrared Photodetectors for 1.3 - 1.55 μm Optical Communication

DOI: 10.4236/mnsms.2014.41007, PP. 37-52

Keywords: Strained SiGe/Si Quantum Wells, Band Structure, Device Engineering, P-i-n Infrared Photodetectors

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In this paper, a p-i-n heterojunction based on strain-compensated Si/Si1-xGex/Si multiple quantum wells on relaxed Si1-yGey is proposed for photodetection applications. The Si1-yGey/Si/Si1-xGex/Si/Si1-yGey stack consists in a W-like potential profile strain-compensated in the two low absorption windows of silica fibers infrared (IR) photodetectors. These computations have been used for the study of p-i-n infrared photodetectors operating at room temperature (RT) in the range 1.3 - 1.55 μm. The electron transport in the Si/Si1-xGex/Si multi-quantum wells-based p-i-n structure was analyzed and numerically simulated taking into account tunneling process and thermally activated transfer through the barriers mainly. These processes were modeled with a system of Schrodinger and kinetic equations self-consistently resolved with the Poisson equation. Temperature dependence of zero-bias resistance area product (RoA) and bias-dependent dynamic resistance of the diode have been analyzed in details to investigate the contribution of dark current mechanisms which reduce the electrical performances of the diode.


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