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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



CellBio  2014 

In-Vitro Effect of Sex Steroids on Mouse Melanoma (B16F10) Cell Growth

DOI: 10.4236/cellbio.2014.32007, PP. 60-71

Keywords: Sex Steroids, B16 Mouse Melanoma, MTT Growth Assay

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A battery of sex steroids were used to check their effect on mouse melanoma (B16F10) cell growth in-vitro. Progesterone and its synthetic receptor antagonist RU-486 showed maximum inhibition on in-vitro melanoma cell growth [1]. Further research work showed that the inhibition by progesterone was not a toxic, spurious or non-specific effect on mouse melanoma cell growth and the inhibition by progesterone was not mediated through progesterone receptor.


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