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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Spray Dried Extract of Phormidium valderianum as a Promising Source of Natural Antioxidant

DOI: 10.1155/2014/897497

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Microencapsulation of antioxidant-rich fraction obtained by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction (at 50°C, 500 bar with extraction time of 90?min, and flow rate of CO2 at 2?L/min) of lyophilized biomass of Phormidium valderianum was carried out in a spray dryer using maltodextrin and gum arabic. Microencapsulation conditions that provided the best combination of phytochemical properties such as antioxidant activity, phenolic content, and reducing power with reasonable powder yield were an inlet temperature of 130°C and wall material composition as maltodextrin: gum arabic = 70?:?30. Toxicological study reported that the Anatoxin-a content of this encapsulated powder was below the limit of detection of HPLC. Storage study established that encapsulation of this antioxidant-rich algal extract resulted in eight times enhancement of half-life ( ) values. The release profile of microencapsulated antioxidant-rich fraction from the encapsulated powder was found to follow first order anomalous transport kinetics. Therefore, this microencapsulated algal extract with minimum toxicity is a source of natural antioxidant and could have promising use as novel dietary supplement. 1. Introduction Microalga species are one of the important natural sources of antioxidants, owing to high amount of bioactive components such as polyunsaturated fatty acids, β-carotene [1–4], sulphated polysaccharides (anti-virals), and sterols (antimicrobials) [5, 6]. Among the various microalgal species, Botryococcus sp. [7], Chlorella sp. [8, 9], Dunaliella sp. [10], Nostoc sp. [11], Phaeodactylum sp. [12], Spirulina sp. [13, 14], Haematococcus sp. [15], Chaetoceros sp. [9], Porphyridium sp. [16], and Galdieria sp. [17] are reported to be sources of antioxidants. One of the lesser studied sources of microalgal antioxidants with lower cellular toxicity is Phormidium species where pressurized fluid extraction using hexane, ethanol, and water have been applied to obtain antioxidant-rich fractions [18]. Although these extraction procedures are efficient, green, and environmentally safe for extraction of bioactive ingredients, the major problem is associated with usage of toxic organic solvents such as hexane which poses environment and health hazards [13, 19]. For these reasons, the extracts obtained by the above procedures are not suitable for food and pharmaceutical applications. Alternatively green technology of supercritical fluid (SCF) extraction using GRAS status CO2 as extracting solvent could be employed for obtaining antioxidant-rich extract from algae. In our previous


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