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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Rheological Characterization of Isabgol Husk, Gum Katira Hydrocolloids, and Their Blends

DOI: 10.1155/2014/506591

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The rheological parameters of Isabgol husk, gum katira, and their blends were determined in different media such as distilled water, 0.1?N HCl, and phosphate buffer (pH 7.4). The blend properties of Isabgol husk and gum katira were measured for four different percentage compositions in order to understand their compatibility in dispersion form such as 00?:?100, 25?:?50, 50?:?50, 75?:?25, and 100?:?00 in the gel strength of 1 mass%. The miscibility of blends was determined by calculating Isabgol husk-gum katira interaction parameters by Krigbaum and Wall equation. Other rheological properties were analyzed by Bingham, Power, Casson, Casson chocolate, and IPC paste analysis. The study revealed that the power flow index “p” was less than “1” in all concentrations of Isabgol husk, gum katira, and their blends dispersions indicating the shear-thinning (pseudoplastic) behavior. All blends followed pseudoplastic behavior at thermal conditions as 298.15, 313.15, and 333.15°K and in dispersion media such as distilled water, 0.1?N HCl, and phosphate buffer (pH 7.4). Moreover, the study indicated the applicability of these blends in the development of drug delivery systems and in industries, for example, ice-cream, paste, nutraceutical, and so forth. 1. Introduction Gums and mucilages are widely used natural materials for food and pharmaceutical industries. The natural materials have advantages over synthetic ones since they are chemically inert, nontoxic, less expensive, biodegradable, and widely available [1]. These can also be modified in different ways to obtain tailor-made materials and thus can compete with the available synthetic polymers. The importance of biocompatible and biodegradable hydrophilic polymers has wide applications in different fields such as polymer engineering, chemical engineering, pharmaceuticals, food, and agriculture because of their propensity to combine with others [2–4]. The blends of these biopolymers are also of significant importance and recently have been investigated for application in drug delivery systems and in the field of foods science [5, 6]. In the plastic industry, polyvinyl alcohol blends with agar and hydroxyethylcellulose have been investigated in order to improve the mechanical properties of biodegradable films [5]. Such blends showed superior performances over the conventional individual polymers and, consequently, the range of applications have grown rapidly for such class of materials. In the recent years, carbohydrate and biodegradable polymers have been extensively used to develop the controlled release


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