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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Effect of Hydroxypropylation on Functional Properties of Different Cultivars of Sweet Potato Starch in Sri Lanka

DOI: 10.1155/2014/148982

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Starches obtained from different cultivars of sweet potatoes commonly consumed in Sri Lanka, were chemically modified with hydroxypropyl substitution, to analyze the changes in the physicochemical properties. Significant changes ( ) in the crude digestibility level, thermal properties, and the water separation (syneresis) of starch gels (7.0%?db) during cold and frozen storage were observed due to the modification. Hydroxypropylation increased the gel stability, water solubility, digestibility, and storage stability of the native starches in the cold storage to a significant level. Lowered gelatinization and retrogradation enthalpies as well as gelatinization temperature were observed for derivatized starches compared to the native starch. Low levels of pasting stability with increased levels of breakdown and reduced cold paste viscosity were observed in the hydroxypropylated starch samples except for the Malaysian cultivar (S5). Chemically modified starch gels stored under cold storage did not show a syneresis for two weeks in the cycle and the frozen storage showed much improved stability in the starch gels within the four-week cycle. Chemical modification of sweet potato starch with hydroxyl propyl substitution can enhance the functional characteristics of the native starch which will improve its potential application in the food industry. 1. Introduction Starches have a wide spectrum of applications both in food and other industries such as textile and cosmetics. Native starches have restricted usage in food processing operations, distribution, and storage conditions due to the unfavourable characteristics prevailing. Native starches which have been modified either by physical or chemical treatments show much improved functional attributes that will have a broader area of usage in food processing operations [1]. Chemically modified food grade starches show increased levels of starch paste consistency, smoothness, paste clarity, and cold storage and freeze-thaw stability [2–4]. Rheological, morphological, and physicochemical characteristics can be improved through the chemical modification of the native starch by cross-linking, substitution, or reacting with acids or alkali. The amount of the chemical reagent required to achieve the functional properties needed in the starch may vary depending on the starch source, reagent type required for the substitution, the degree of substitution of the chemical reagent on the starch source, and the required range of properties in the final modified starch product [5, 6]. The changes occur in the starch


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