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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Study of the 5-Ht, T and Tch in the Highly Aggressive Tendency Group’s Blood

DOI: 10.12677/JPS.2014.23003, PP. 13-18

Keywords: 攻击性,总胆固醇,5-羟色胺,睾酮
, TCH, 5-HT, T

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目的:探讨高攻击性人群的生物学特征,为用生物学指标判别攻击性行为人群提供依据,同时对Buss- Perry攻击性修订问卷提供了生理生化指标的验证。方法:发放倪林英修订的Buss-Perry攻击性问卷1160份,根据问卷攻击性分数的不同,在高攻击人群组中选择16名男性为高攻击倾向组,在低攻击人群组中选拔出12名男性为低攻击倾向组。分别对两组人员取肘静脉血3ml并进行离心,对血清中5羟色胺、睾酮、总胆固醇及心率、血压行进测定。结果:1) 高攻击倾向组血清中5-HT和T浓度明显高于低攻击倾向组(P < 0.01),其中高攻击倾向组5-HT、T的浓度分别是低攻击倾向组的1.31倍和1.51倍。2) 高攻击倾向组血清TCH浓度明显低于低攻击倾向组(P < 0.05),低攻击倾向组TCH的浓度是高攻击倾向组的1.16倍。3) 高攻击倾向组心率和血压低于低攻击倾向组(P > 0.05)。结论:高攻击性男性血清中5-HT、T的浓度明显高于正常男性,血清中的TCH浓度明显低于正常男性。通过倪林英修订的Buss-Perry攻击性问卷所区分的不同攻击性群体在生化指标上有显著性差异。
Objective: To investigate biological characteristics of high aggressive crowd, to provide the basis for the biological index to distinguish the aggressive behavior group, meanwhile to verify the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire in physiological and biochemical index. Methods: issuing 1160 Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaires revised by Ni Linying. Accronding to the Aggression Questionnaire scores of different subjects, we choose 16 men in the high aggressive population group as high aggressive tendency group, and choose 12 men in the low aggressive population group as low aggressive tendency group. We gather 3 ml of two groups’ blood with centrifugation, and test the TCH、5-HT, T of the serum and heart rate, blood respectively. Results: 1) The 5-HT and T of high aggressive tendency group serum are significantly higher than that of the low aggression tendency group (P < 0.01). The 5-HT and T of high tendency aggressive group serum are respec-tively 1.31 times and 1.51 times to the low aggression tendency group. 2) The TCH of high aggres-sive tendency group serum are significantly lower than that of low aggression tendency group (P < 0.05). The TCH of high tendency aggressive group serum are 1.16 times to the low aggression ten-dency group. 3) The heart rate and blood pressure of high aggressive tendency group are lower than that of the low aggression tendency group (P > 0.05). Conclusion: The 5-HT and T of the high aggressive men serum are higher than those of normal men obviously; the TCH is significantly lower than that in normal men. The different aggressive groups that are distinguished by the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire revised by Ni Linying are significantly different in the biochemical in-dexes. 5-HT, T and TCH can be used as an important index to judge the aggressive of people.


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