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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Sign and Pictogram—The Study of “Water Image” on the Inscription on Pottery in China’s Neolithic Age

DOI: 10.12677/MA.2014.24005, PP. 35-39

Keywords: 水的图像,陶文,记号,象形
Water Image
, Inscription on Pottery, Sign, Pictogram

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From ancient times, \"water\" plays an indispensable role in the human’s life and procedure of production. Speculated from this, the signs (characters) of potteries that our country unearthed in the Neolithic Age must have water’s signs or images. Using the methods of Iconology and Archaeology, we can screen for the water’s signs or images from the signs (characters) of potteries unearthed in the neolithic ruins. This study has far-reaching fluence on helping us to understand the cognitive regularity of how the ancient human uses the images or signs to express abstract things and reveal the change of climate and geography on earth.


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