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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




MetricsCloud: Scaling-Up Metrics Dissemination in Large Organizations

DOI: 10.1155/2014/905431

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The evolving software development practices in modern software development companies often bring in more empowerment to software development teams. The empowered teams change the way in which software products and projects are measured and how the measures are communicated. In this paper we address the problem of dissemination of measurement information by designing a measurement infrastructure in a cloud environment. The described cloud system (MetricsCloud) utilizes file-sharing as the underlying mechanism to disseminate the measurement information at the company. Based on the types of measurement systems identified in this paper MetricsCloud realizes a set of synchronization strategies to fulfill the needs specific for these types. The results from migrating traditional, web-based, folder-sharing distribution of measurement systems to the cloud show that this type of measurement dissemination is flexible, reliable, and easy to use. 1. Introduction Managing software products and software development projects in large organizations has evolved over the past decade, from the central, top-down planning of waterfall processes to distributed monitoring of empowered agile teams [1]. The practices of software management have evolved as well from following the plans to adjusting the plans based on customer needs [2]. In modern software development processes it is the software development team that is responsible for planning their work in order to deliver customer value (e.g., new features) in a (more-or-less) continuous manner [3, 4]. From the perspective of software management in general and software measurement in particular this change requires a change in how measuring software products and projects is conducted and disseminated in enterprises. Using business intelligence tools [5, 6] provides managers and product/program leaders with the insight into the organization but is usually burdened with high maintenance costs [7]. The business intelligence tools are often complemented with the so-called information radiators which are designed to spread the information throughout enterprises [8]. However, both manners are mainly used to communicate vertically in the hierarchy of the enterprise (teams-management and management-teams). In the context of empowered teams this vertical communication needs to be complemented with a horizontal dissemination of measurement information between the teams without causing information chaos or extensive information noise. In this paper we address this need by designing an infrastructure based on the principles of IaaS


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