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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Influence of Sewage System on the Functioning and Quality of Krakow’s Watercourses

DOI: 10.1155/2014/910982

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The content of heavy metals, pH, Eh, and EC were measured for the Vistula River and its two tributaries, Pr?dnik-Bia?ucha and Wilga, functioning as rainwater collectors for Krakow. Water sediments were collected from several inlets of the rainwater canals into the Pr?dnik-Bia?ucha and Wilga. The Vistula was examined to catch the change of water environment quality of those two tributaries as well as storm overflow systems installed on both its left and right bank. In this last case the research was based on the bottom sediments of the storm overflow system, from its inlets into the Vistula River, and from the inside of the waste water collector. Also, samples of suspension and water were collected where the bridges are located and also near D?bnicki bridge bottom sediments. The sampling was conducted in 2004-2005 but because of financial constraints after ten years the tests were not repeated, but it was decided to publish the results. The attention was paid to the Cd and Pb content in the sediments of sanitary catch basins from the Wilga and the Pr?dnik, in Vistula sediments from storm overflow system, in the siphon, in the suspension of Vistula waters, and in fine-grain river silts. 1. Background The consequences of the functioning of a town are mainly felt by the water environment of the streams and the urbanized sections of its rivers. The quality of the natural environment of town watercourses is the effect of a complex impact of many factors, the destination, and usage of the catchment area, as well as its physiography, which is shaped by morphology, lithology, and hydrology. The geochemical composition of the river basin components also results from the intensity and pollution of the meteoric waters and the conditions of surface runoff. Also, for the water environment of the drainage area a significant anthropogenic factor is the kind and the way of sewage treatment released into water. According to the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) requirements, by the end of 2015 surface waters should attain “good ecological condition,” which is denoted by biological quality elements, augmented by hydromorphological and physiochemical ones. The influence of storm water drains on the watercourses quality can be assessed on the basis of the European “cause and effect” procedure called DPSIR (driving force-pressure-state-impact response framework), ascribing to its elements direct and indirect priority factors [1, 2]. In order to establish a character of degradation and to evaluate a possibility of restoration of the drainage basin, there are analyses


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