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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Generalized Block-Diagonalization Schemes for MIMO Relay Broadcasting Systems

DOI: 10.1155/2014/305846

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We propose two generalized block-diagonalization (BD) schemes for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay broadcasting systems with no channel state information (CSI) at base station. We first introduce a generalized zero forcing (ZF) scheme that reduces the complexity of the traditional BD scheme. Then the optimal power loading matrix for the proposed scheme is analyzed and the closed-form solution is derived. Furthermore, an enhanced scheme is proposed by employing the minimum-mean-squared-error (MMSE) criterion. Simulation results show that the proposed generalized MMSE scheme outperforms the other schemes and the optimal power loading scheme improves the sum-rate performance efficiently. 1. Introduction One major challenge faced by the wireless multimedia broadcasting systems is to provide high data rates for remote users located in the cell boundaries, which experience very low received signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). An increasingly attractive and cost effective solution is the use of relay stations (RSs). Relays can be classified as full-duplex and half-duplex. Full-duplex relay is still under investigation due to its highly complex hardware implementation. For practical systems, half-duplex relay is more commonly used but suffers significant rate loss as a result of the two or more transmission phases needed to deliver a message. Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technique is well known to provide significant improvement of the spectral efficiency and link reliability because of its multiplexing and diversity gains. So combining relay and MIMO techniques can utilize both of their advantages to increase the data rates of remote users. From a general information theoretic perspective, the capacity bounds of MIMO relay channel with a single user have been analyzed in [1]. For practical implementation, [2] has investigated the optimal processing matrix at the relay in an amplify-and-forward (AF) relay MIMO system, also with a single user. When multiple antennas are deployed at base station (BS) and RS, multiple users can be scheduled at the same time for simultaneous transmissions. However, the optimal processing problem becomes more complex because of the multiuser interference (MUI). For MIMO relay broadcasting systems where each user is equipped with a single antenna, the authors in [3] proposed an implementable system architecture by exploiting nonlinear precoding at BS and linear processing at RS, while [4] proposed an iterative algorithm for jointly optimizing the precoding matrix at BS and RS to maximize the system capacity. Recently,


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