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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Ultrasound Imaging in Nuclear Reactors Cooled by Liquid Metals

DOI: 10.4236/oja.2015.51002, PP. 11-24

Keywords: Ultrasound Imaging, Phased Arrays, Liquid Metals, Nuclear Reactors, Acoustic Lens

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In nuclear reactors cooled by liquid metals, ultrasound is the only type of field that allows obtaining images of the reactor cores and diagnostics of the integrity of the fuel assemblies. The article discusses the features of the practical realization of ultrasonic imaging systems based on phased arrays and offers an alternative solution of imaging on the basis of the acoustic lenses of refractive and diffraction types. Using lenses eliminates many of the technical and technological problems associated with the development of multi-element phased arrays. It is shown that lens systems allow using traditional methods of transformation of acoustic fields into the visible images by 2D piezo matrix and a more promising way of acoustooptical transformation based on coherent optical interferometry.


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