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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Electric Field Calculation of High Voltage Transmission Line Based on Surface Charge Density Method

DOI: 10.12677/EAA.2015.41001, PP. 1-5

Keywords: 输电线路,电场,面电荷密度,电位,电场强度
Transmission Line
, Electric Field, Surface Charge Density, Potential, Electric Intensity

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为了研究高压输电线路周围的电场分布,本文提出了基于面电荷密度的计算方法。该方法将每个子导线的表面进行剖分,以各个节点的面电荷密度作为变量,并利用线性插值来表示弧段的电荷密度,然后根据电磁场理论建立线形方程组来求解各个节点的面电荷密度。最后,本文用500 kV紧凑型输电线路的算例来说明该方法的优点。
In order to study the electric field around high voltage overhead transmission line, surface charges method is given in this paper. The surface of every splitting conductor is divided into many arc segments; surface charges density of every node acts as the variable and linear interpolation is used to express the charges density of every arc segment. Then, linear equations have been set up according to the electromagnetic theory, and the surface charge density of every splitting conductor can be calculated. An example of 500 kV compact transmission line is presented to illustrate the advantage and the precision of the new given method.


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