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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Validation of Analytical Method for Chromatographic Determination of Chlorimuron Ethyl Herbicide in Sediments

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.preprints.1200090, PP. 1-12

Keywords: Chlorimuron Ethyl, Sulphonylurea, Validation Of Analytical Method, HPLC-UV

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The present work describes the validation of an analytical method for chromatographic determination of chlorimuron ethyl herbicide (compound of sulphonylurea group) in sediments, in according with Brazilian legislation, following the guidance and normative documents of INMETRO (DOQ-CGCRE-008) and ANVISA (Resolution RE no 899 - 2003). The results show that the chromatographic method demonstrated to be selective, accurate, precision and linear over the concentration range of 5.0-1000.0 ug L-1. Besides, limits of quantitation and determination were satisfactory, 29.48 and 8.84 ug L-1, both determined by calibration curve. The method proposed also showed good results for assays of recovery, with confidence intervals between 80 and 100%, approximately, with accuracy and precision.


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