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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Angular Dependence of the Second Harmonic Generation Induced by Femtosecond Laser Irradiation in Silica-Based Glasses: Variation with Writing Speed and Pulse Energy

DOI: 10.4236/wjnse.2015.53012, PP. 96-106

Keywords: Nonlinear Optical Crystal, Glass Ceramics, Direct Writing, Ultrafast Processes, Waveguide

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To control second harmonic generation (SHG) in silica-based glasses is crucial for fabricating photonic devices, such as frequency doubling waveguides. Here, we investigated SHG of laser induced nonlinear optical crystals in silica-based glasses, according to writing speed and pulse energy. We observed two regions with different probing laser polarization angular dependence: a) a well-defined cosine-like curve with period of 180° at low pulse energy (0.8 μJ) whatever the writing speed or at high pulse energy (1.4 μJ) with high writing speed (25 μm/s). This is accounted for by a well-defined texture for the nano crystals with their polar axis oriented perpendicular to the writing laser polarization; and b) a double cosine-like curve revealing a second texture of the crystals at high pulse energy (1.4 μJ) with low writing speed (5 μm/s) and with the polar axis oriented closer parallel to the writing laser polarization. Therefore, a SHG dependence on probing laser polarization angle may show high contrast by a correct choice of the writing speed and pulse energy. These results pave the way for elaboration of nonlinear optical devices.


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