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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Diameter Dependent Ultrasonic Characterization of InAs Semiconductor Nanowires

DOI: 10.4236/oja.2015.54017, PP. 218-225

Keywords: Ultrasonic Attenuation, Nanowires, Elastic Constants, Thermal Relaxation Time, Thermal Conductivity

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In this paper, we report the diameter dependent ultrasonic characterization of wurtzite structured InAs semiconductor nanowires at the room temperature. In this work, we have calculated the non-linear higher order elastic constants of InAs nanowires validating the interaction potential model. The ultrasonic attenuation and velocity in the nanowires are determined using the elastic constants for different diameters of the nanowires. Where possible, the results are compared with the experiments. Finally, we have established the correlation between the size dependent thermal conductivity and the ultrasonic attenuation of the nanowires.


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