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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Multiparticipant Geographics Annotation for Interactive Rendezvous and Cooperative Monitoring

DOI: 10.1155/2011/784969

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A new framework is presented for multiparticipant coordination of over-the-horizon maneuvering processes. In this framework, geographical information is decentralizedly augmented via the multitude of annotation processes: landmark localization by map builder, connection generation by planner, and GPS tracking by probe vehicles. By integrating the augmentation process on a common satellite image, the subscriber participants reuse the geographics within specific maneuvering context. Based on graph theoretic representation of the multiparticipant augment process, an interactive geographics annotation system was developed and verified within the context of interactive rendezvous and cooperative monitoring. 1. Introductory Remarks Recent advancements of space technology combined with large scale information networks provide physical-geometric basis for over-the-horizon maneuvering process; for instance, current global positioning system (GPS) yields effective information for dynamic localization of vehicles along roadway areas [1]; the behaviors of such vehicles are matched with geometric representation of local terrains for planning [2], regulating [3], and operating [4] vehicle control processes equipped with self-reliant intelligence. In many practical situations, the perspective from each vehicle is confined within the roadway area. This implies that the decision making by each advanced vehicles must be supported by the information to be gathered finally via on-vehicle sensing systems, including machine visions. To expand the virtual scope of each vehicle, the on-vehicle control systems should be dynamically networked as air traffic control systems [5]. However, in contrast with the aviation systems, it is not easy to figure out the multitude of vehicle's trajectories satisfying specific constraints arising in complex local terrain. By networking GPS satellites and vehicle control systems with the earth observation systems, we can articulate the multitude of maneuvering processes within a bird's eye view of local terrains. Figure 1 displays a current implementation of the geographics annotation system where a vehicle is dispatched to probe the topological and geometric structure of a district [7]. A time series of the longitude-latitude estimate is generated based on pseudoranges from GPS satellites including QEZZ; the estimate is transferred to the annotation system via data relay site as GPS track along a roadway; adding to it, the probe vehicle captures the scene images via the on-vehicle camera to upload in association with the GPS track data. In the


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