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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Can We Make Time for Physical Activity? Simulating Effects of Daily Physical Activity on Mortality

DOI: 10.1155/2012/304937

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Background. The link between physical activity and health outcomes is well established, yet levels of physical activity remain low. This study quantifies effects on mortality of the substitution of low activity episodes by higher activity alternatives using time-use data. Methods. Sample time profiles are representative of the Canadian population ( ). Activity time and mortality are linked using metabolic equivalents(METs). Mortality risk is determined by peak daily METs and hours spent sedentary. The impact of altering activity patterns is assessed using simulated life expectancy. Results. If all leisure screen time was replaced with an equal amount of time spent going for a walk, an increase in life expectancy of about 2.5 years (95% CI, 1.4 to 3.8) would be expected. No other activity category would have as large as an effect. Conclusions. Reducing leisure screen time has a large effect, because seniors particularly have a large potential for mortality reduction and watch more television than other age groups. The general problem of inactivity cannot be solved simply by reallocating time to more active pursuits, because daily activity patterns can be heterogeneous or fragmented and activities may be nondiscretionary (e.g., work or childcare). 1. Introduction The positive relationship between physical activity and health is well established [1–5], yet levels of physical activity and fitness remain low [6–9], while obesity rates are high, [9, 10] collectively threatening the persistent increase in life expectancy enjoyed over the past century [11]. Physical activity is associated with a decreased risk of mortality, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, colon cancer, osteoporosis, depression, and other chronic disease conditions [1–5], making it an important health promoting behaviour and a priority for intervention. Accumulating evidence shows that sedentary behaviours, independent of physical activity levels, are associated with increased risk of cardiometabolic disease, all-cause mortality, and a variety of physiological and psychological problems [12–17]. Therefore, to maximize health benefits, approaches to resolve the inactivity crisis should attempt to both increase deliberate physical activity and decrease sedentary behaviours. Physical inactivity is pervasive, persistent, and a challenge to overcome. It is generally believed that a multilevel, multisectoral approach is required to increase population levels of physical activity [18]. Ultimately, resolving the problem of inactivity requires a sustained change in individual daily activity patterns.


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