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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Simulate Human Saccadic Scan-Paths in Target Searching

DOI: 10.4236/ijis.2016.61001, PP. 1-9

Keywords: Saccadic Scan-Paths, Eye Movement, Fixation Locations, Dynamic Scan-Paths

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Human saccade is a dynamic process of information pursuit. There are many methods using either global context or local context cues to model human saccadic scan-paths. In contrast to them, this paper introduces a model for gaze movement control using both global and local cues. To test the performance of this model, an experiment is done to collect human eye movement data by using an SMI iVIEW X Hi-Speed eye tracker with a sampling rate of 1250 Hz. The experiment used a two-by-four mixed design with the location of the targets and the four initial positions. We compare the saccadic scan-paths generated by the proposed model against human eye movement data on a face benchmark dataset. Experimental results demonstrate that the simulated scan-paths by the proposed model are similar to human saccades in term of the fixation order, Hausdorff distance, and prediction accuracy for both static fixation locations and dynamic scan-paths.


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