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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Daphnia as an Emerging Epigenetic Model Organism

DOI: 10.1155/2012/147892

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Daphnia offer a variety of benefits for the study of epigenetics. Daphnia’s parthenogenetic life cycle allows the study of epigenetic effects in the absence of confounding genetic differences. Sex determination and sexual reproduction are epigenetically determined as are several other well-studied alternate phenotypes that arise in response to environmental stressors. Additionally, there is a large body of ecological literature available, recently complemented by the genome sequence of one species and transgenic technology. DNA methylation has been shown to be altered in response to toxicants and heavy metals, although investigation of other epigenetic mechanisms is only beginning. More thorough studies on DNA methylation as well as investigation of histone modifications and RNAi in sex determination and predator-induced defenses using this ecologically and evolutionarily important organism will contribute to our understanding of epigenetics. 1. Introduction The unusual life cycle of the freshwater microcrustacean, Daphnia, has been studied for more than 150 years [1]. Most species are cyclic parthenogens able to produce two types of eggs, diploid parthenogenetic eggs or haploid sexual eggs, in response to environmental cues [2, 3]. Sex determination is likewise environmentally controlled; males are produced in response to suitable environmental cues [3]. Additionally, Daphnia exhibit a range of spectacular polyphenisms, phenotypic alternations including helmet and neckteeth formation, in response to predators [4, 5]. This makes Daphnia an excellent candidate for studying environmental influences on epigenetic developmental programs. Most importantly in the context of epigenetics, clonal lines are genetically identical yet consist of phenotypically divergent individuals. This offers a unique opportunity to separate genetic and epigenetic influences on the phenotype, an invaluable asset when studying epigenetics. The attractiveness of Daphnia as a potential epigenetic model organism is further enhanced by the fact that they are easy and inexpensive to maintain and have a rapid life cycle. As a primary consumer and a food source for invertebrates and fish [6], there is an extensive body of literature on their ecological role, development, and the evolution of parthenogenesis. Thus, Daphnia is an ecologically important organism well-studied in the context of evolution, ecology, ecotoxicology, predator-induced polyphenisms, and genomics [7, 8] and offers unparalleled opportunities to study epigenetics in these biologically important processes. Epigenetics


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