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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




正颌外科治疗过程中SurgiCase CMF运用对医患沟通的影响结果分析
The Influence of Using SurgiCase CMF in Doctor-Patient Communication in Orthognathic Surgery

DOI: 10.12677/HJMC.2015.31001, PP. 1-6

Keywords: SurgiCase CMF,正颌外科,医患沟通,医学心理
SurgiCase CMF
, Orthognathic Surgery, Doctor-Patient Communication, Medical Psychology

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本文在对问卷调查成果整理和分析的基础上,以有过正颌外科手术经历的人为样本,经过样本调查,通过同患者展示SurgiCase CMF制作的图片来调查展示前后患者的满意程度,感知对医患沟通的效果;通过样本的分析,得出相关数据,运用SPSS.17处理相关数据,结合理论解释和统计结果,得出SurgiCase CMF的运用对医患沟通的影响,从而缓解患者术后心理。
Based on the questionnaire survey results and analysis, and samples who had orthognathic sur-gery, we showed the patients with before and after photos which made by SurgiCase CMF to investigate patients’ satisfaction and evaluate the effect of Doctor-patient communication after making a big sample survey. According to the analysis of samples, we figured out the relevant data. According to the statistical results and theoretical explanation, we concluded that the SurgiCase CMF affected doctor-patient communication by using SPSS.17 to process relevant data , so we could ease patients’ postoperative mental.


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