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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



Graphene  2016 

The Dissimilarities between Graphene and Frame-Like Structures

DOI: 10.4236/graphene.2016.52007, PP. 55-72

Keywords: Modeling, Graphene, Frame-Like Structure, Topographical Features, Stress Concentration

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Modeling and simulation allow methodical variation of material properties beyond the capacity of experimental methods. Due to the hexagonal structure of graphene, it is considered as frame-like structure. In the frame, covalent C-C bonds are taken as beams joined together with carbon atoms placed at the joints. Uniaxial beam elements, defined by their cross-sectional area, material properties, and moment of inertia represent the covalent bonds. The parameters of the beam elements are determined by establishing equivalence between structural and computational mechanics. However, the bonds connecting the carbon atoms do not have physical existence as they are a compromise between attractive and repulsive forces. Also, defects at nanoscale make graphene different from frame-like structure. In addition, the topography of graphene makes it non-linear structure and even the axial loading changes to eccentric loading. Here we show that, by using basic statics principles, disparities between graphene and frame-likes structures can be highlighted.


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