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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Assessment of Beauveria bassiana and Their Enzymatic Extracts against Metamasius spinolae and Cyclocephala lunulata in Laboratory

DOI: 10.4236/aer.2016.43010, PP. 98-112

Keywords: Insecticidal Activity, Beauveria bassiana, Metamasius spinolae, Cyclocephala lunulata, Enzymatic Extracts

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The application of enzymatic extracts and conidia of Beauveria bassiana in Metamasius spinolae and Cyclocephala lunulata was evaluated. The variables were mortality and time of death. In M. spinolae, mortality with extracts 29%, conidia 27% and the combination of both 31%, all had a time of death of four days. Although with different symptoms, used enzymatic extracts: contraction and softening of the joints; by conidia: mycelium in the joints; in the combination of conidia and enzymatic extracts: abundant aerial mycelium. In C. lunulata, 100% mortality in all treatments; Time of death: enzymatic extracts and extracts with conidia 1.2 days; conidia 2.8 days. Symptoms were different, enzymatic extracts: melanization and internal tissue lysis; enzymatic extract and conidia: mycelium emerged and melanization; conidia: mycelium emerged. Enzymatic extracts showed insecticidal activity in M. spinolae and C. lunulata. These results suggest the potential of enzymatic extracts as biocontrol agents to improve the use of entomopathogenic fungi.


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