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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




On Propagation of Rayleigh Type Surface Wave in a Micropolar Piezoelectric Medium

DOI: 10.4236/oja.2016.64004, PP. 35-44

Keywords: Piezoelectric Medium, Micro-Rotation, Transverse Isotropy, Rayleigh Wave, Wave Speed

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In the present paper, the governing equations of a linear transversely isotropic micropolar piezoelectric medium are specialized for x-z plane after using symmetry relations in constitutive coefficients. These equations are solved for the general surface wave solutions in the medium. Following radiation conditions in the half-space, the particular solutions are obtained, which satisfy the appropriate boundary conditions at the stress-free surface of the half-space. A secular equation for Rayleigh type surface wave is obtained. An iteration method is applied to compute the non-dimensional wave speed of the Rayleigh surface wave for specific material parameters. The effects of piezoelectricity, non-dimensional frequency and non-dimensional material constant, charge free surface and electrically shorted surface are shown graphically on the wave speed of Rayleigh wave.


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