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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Sound-Environment Monitoring Method Based on Computational Auditory Scene Analysis

DOI: 10.4236/jsip.2017.82005, PP. 65-77

Keywords: Sound-Environment Visualization, Environmental Sounds, Monitoring, Painted Sound Patterns, Synesthesia

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Monitoring techniques are a key technology for examining the conditions in various scenarios, e.g., structural conditions, weather conditions, and disasters. In order to understand such scenarios, the appropriate extraction of their features from observation data is important. This paper proposes a monitoring method that allows sound environments to be expressed as a sound pattern. To this end, the concept of synesthesia is exploited. That is, the keys, tones, and pitches of the monitored sound are expressed using the three elements of color, that is, the hue, saturation, and brightness, respectively. In this paper, it is assumed that the hue, saturation, and brightness can be detected from the chromagram, sonogram, and sound spectrogram, respectively, based on a previous synesthesia experiment. Then, the sound pattern can be drawn using color, yielding a “painted sound map.” The usefulness of the proposed monitoring technique is verified using environmental sound data observed at a galleria.


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