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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Design of a Li-Fi Transceiver

DOI: 10.4236/wet.2017.84006, PP. 71-86

Keywords: Light Fidelity (Li-Fi), Visible Light Communication (VLC), Arduino, Light Emitting Diode (LED), Optical Wireless Communication (OWC)

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The latest uproar in this era is about a technology termed as Light Fidelity or more commonly known as Li-Fi. There are currently two trends being seen: First, the extension or enrichment of wireless services and other being increased in user demand for these services, but the available RF spectrum for usage is very limited. So the new technology of Li-Fi came into picture, which uses visible light as a source of communication. Li-Fi is the most recent development which is resourceful. In this technology, LEDs are used to transmit data in the visible light spectrum. This technology can be compared with that of Wi-Fi and offers advantages like increased accessible spectrum, efficiency, security, low latency and much higher speed. This research paper aims at designing a Li-Fi transceiver using Arduino that is able to transmit digital data. The hardware has been designed using Eagle CAD (version 7.1.0) tool and Proteus design tool (version 8). The software coding is done by using Java (version 8). Successful transmission and reception of text, image and video signals is carried out on the transceiver. Hence this research work gives an innovative way of designing a transceiver which works by using off the shelf low cost components and using visible light spectrum.


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