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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Semi-Empirical Oscillator Strengths and Lifetimes for the P IV Spectrum

DOI: 10.4236/sar.2017.54005, PP. 49-80

Keywords: P IV Spectrum, Atomic Transitions, Energy Levels, Oscillator Strengths, Lifetimes

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In this work numerical codes carried out in a multiconfiguration Har-tree-Fock relativistic (HFR) approach for the P IV ion are used to obtain the oscillator strengths of each transition as well as the lifetimes of each energy level. With the existing data from several authors that contributed to the spectrum using different light sources, and optimizing the electrostatic parameters by a least-squares procedure when replacing the theoretical values by the experimental ones in the energy matrices, one obtains closer values and according to the observations for the intensities, and also of the lifetimes closer to those that would be obtained experimentally.


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