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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Migration of Biodegradable Organic Matter in Underlying Soils of Household Waste Dumpsites: A Case Study in Abomey-Calavi, Benin

DOI: 10.4236/jcpt.2018.81002, PP. 18-32

Keywords: Waste Dumpsites, Pollutants, Biodegradability, Soil Dispersion, Column Test, Biodegradable Organic Pollution, Nitrogenous Organic Matter

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This paper presented the first part of the studies about the development of a tool for groundwater contamination prediction, conducted by the Laboratory of Sciences and Technology of Water (UAC/Benin). The investigation made consisted in estimating the combined effect of retardation factor and biodegradation on migration processes of leachate, in the underlying soils of household waste dumpsites, without active safety barrier. Leachate infiltration tests for different initial conditions were made on soil columns and the breakthrough curves were traced for electrical conductivity, the 5 day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and total kjeldahl nitrogen TKN. A mathematical migration model was developed and solved numerically by finite difference method and implemented with Matlab R2013a. Thus, the calibration of the model was made with electric conductivity data by determining the dispersion coefficient of the studied soils (D = 0.96 cm2/min). Simulations for model verification showed that the established model can perfectly predict the migration of biodegradable organic pollution (BOD5) but did not give conclusive results for the monitoring of nitrogenous organic matter (TKN). The influence of the retardation factor on the migration of biodegradable organic pollutants in soils was linear, while the biodegradation rate of the organic material on migration showed an exponential pattern.


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