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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Reciprocity Relation between the Mass Constituents of the Universe and Hardy’s Quantum Entanglement Probability

DOI: 10.4236/wjcmp.2018.82003, PP. 30-35

Keywords: Universe, Mass Constituents, Golden Mean, Archimedes’ Constant, Reciprocity Relation, E-Infinity Theory, Information Relativity Theory, Entanglement, Superconductivity

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In this short contribution, a reciprocity relation between mass constituents of the universe was explained governed by Hardy’s maximum entanglement probability of φ5 = 0.09017. While well explainable through a set-theoretical argumentation, the relation may also be a consequence of a coupling factor attributed to the normed dimensions of the universe. Also, very simple expressions for the mass amounts were obtained, when replacing the Golden Mean φ by the Archimedes constant π. A brief statement was devoted to the similarity between the E-Infinity Theory of El Naschie and the Information Relativity Theory of Suleiman. In addition, superconductivity was also linked with Hardy’s entanglement probability.


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