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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Review of Black Carbon in the Arctic—Origin, Measurement Methods, and Observations

DOI: 10.4236/ojap.2018.72010, PP. 181-213

Keywords: Black Carbon Emissions in the Arctic, Arctic Black Carbon Observations, Measuring Black Carbon in the Arctic, Black Carbon Deposition in the Arctic

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Current knowledge about black carbon (BC) emission estimates, state-of-the-art measurement methods, near-surface BC concentrations ([BC]), and mixing ratios in snow is consolidated for the Arctic. Since no direct method exists to measure [BC], results from modern indirect methods differ among devices. Pan-Arctic wide [BC] and changes are hard to access; monitoring often ends once national ambient air quality standards are met. Few remote sites have long records. Past measurements showed distinct differences among the various Arctic climate regions. Past and own observations in communities permit qualitative discussion of the diurnal course, response to weather, season, or different emission situations like weekdays and weekends at a given site and/or among sites. Comparison of data from collocated aethalometer indicated more similar accuracy than found in mid- and low-latitudes despite of much lower ambient temperatures and [BC]. Snow samples give an incomplete glimpse at the removal and input into ecosystems.


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