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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Radon Concentration Measurements in Gattar Uranium Prospect, Northern Eastern Desert, Egypt

DOI: 10.4236/jasmi.2019.91001, PP. 1-11

Keywords: Radon in Mine, Health Effect of Radon, Radon Gas Concentration, Gabal Gattar, Hurghada, Solid State Nuclear Track Detector, Applied Effective Ventilation

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The concentration of Radon in mines varies tremendously according to the country rock, type of mineralization and area. Ventilation is also an important factor. The absence of ventilation in mines tends to allow a higher concentration of Radon to build up. This is very dangerous for the miners work inside. In this present work, the radon gas concentration is practically measured in closed uranium prospect mine located at Gabal (G.) Gattar. CR-39 solid state nuclear track detector technique is used. It is found that the radon concentration is around 80 kBq m-3 and an effective ventilation rates should be applied if there will be further works in the future.


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