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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Corrosion of Snails (Gastropods) in Acidic Environment and Their Protection

DOI: 10.4236/jsemat.2019.91001, PP. 1-10

Keywords: Corrosion, Snails, Aloe Vera, Carbonic Acid, Potentiostat, Thin Film Formation

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Snails’ protection is essential because this species is to maintain a balanced ecology of water sources. They occur in rivers as well as ponds and balance the pH level of water. But these sources of water are contaminated by effluents, pollutants, acid rain, particulates, biological wastes etc. They can change the pH of water. Water is absorber of carbon dioxide and it converts carbon dioxide into carbonic. Other above mentioned wastes also increase the concentration of H+ ions in water. They produce hostile environment for snails. The outer part of snails is made of CaCO3. It produces chemical reaction in acidic medium and corrosion reaction is accelerated, and thus deterioration starts on the surface of snails. This medium makes their survival become miserable. For this work, corrosion of the snails’ study in the pH values of water is 6.5 in H2CO3 environment. The corrosion rates of snails were calculated by gravimetric methods and potentiostat technique. Aloe Vera was used for corrosion protection in acidic medium. The surface adsorption phenomenon was studied by Langmuir isotherm. Aloe Vera formed thin surface film on the interface of snails which adhered with chemical bonding. It was confirmed by activation energy, heat of adsorption, free energy, enthalpy and entropy. The results of surface coverage area and inhibitors efficiency indicated that Aloe Vera developed a strong protective barrier in the acidic medium.


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