- 2018
高校“三位一体”综合评价录取质量与公平的个案研究DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.03.005 Abstract: 摘要 本研究聚焦高校招录的质量与公平问题,以浙江师范大学为研究对象,比较了"三位一体"综合评价录取学生和同专业普通高考浙江省内招录学生的各项表现。研究发现,尽管存在专业和年度差异,高考成绩全面落后的"三位一体"综合评价录取学生却在专业认同、平均学分绩点、党组织与学生组织参与、获奖、竞赛、荣誉等方面整体优于参照群体。数据还显示,"三位一体"综合评价录取更有利于城镇生源学生脱颖而出。高校"三位一体"综合评价录取应进一步明确定位、提升科学性并审慎看待、解决其公平问题。Abstract:Focusing on quality and equityin admission, the paper takes Zhejiang Normal University as the research object and compares the performances of the students enrolled through "Trinity" Comprehensive Evaluation in the college entrance examination. The findings show that, despite the gaps between programs and grades, the performance of students enrolled through "Trinity" Evaluation as a whole is better than the reference group in terms of program identity, GPA, participation in the Party and student unions, as well as awards and honors. The data also reveal that "Trinity" Comprehensive Evaluation and enrollment are more favorable to urban students. The paper concludes that "Trinity" Comprehensive Evaluation and enrollment should be employed more cautiously and improved.