福州大学学报(自然科学版) 2018
以天然高分子海藻酸钠(SA)和壳聚糖(CTS)为基础,采用成球-复合-交联的方法制备SA/CTS复合吸附微球. 采用响应面优化设计方法,针对微球的铅离子吸附量和在水中的溶胀度,应用Box-Behnken中心组合原理设计实验来探究最佳的微球制备工艺条件,确定主次影响因素,建立二次回归方程,通过模型优化获得复合吸附微球的最佳制备条件:SA质量分数2.68%、CTS质量分数0.94%、氯化钙质量分数1.43%. 在此条件下,模型预测SA/CTS复合吸附微球对铅离子的吸附量为31.48mg·g-1,在水中溶胀度为93.7%,与实测值基本一致,表明该模型方程可为SA/CTS复合吸附微球的制备提供指导. 最后对制备的微球进行红外光谱和SEM表征.
Based on the natural polymers of sodium alginate (SA) and chitosan (CTS),a SA/CTS complex adsorbent sphere was synthesized by a three step process of beading-combining- crosslinking. The preparation conditions were optimized with response surface methodology by setting the Pb2+ adsorption capacity and swelling degree in water as the optimization target. The primary influencing factors were determined by significance. Two regression equation was established,and the optimum conditions were determined as follows: SA mass fraction 2.68%,CTS mass fraction 0.94%,CaCl2 mass fraction 1.43%. In the conditions,the model predicted values of adsorption capacity and swelling degree were 31.48mg·g-1 and 93.7%,respectively. The model calculation showed good agreement with the experimental results and the model could provide references for the preparation of alginate-chitosan complex adsorbent spheres. In addition,the prepared adsorbents were characterized by FTIR and SEM