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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Using Heat Tracer to Estimate River Water and Groundwater Interactions in Alpine and Cold Regions: A Case Study of Hulugou Watershed in Upper Reache of Heihe River

DOI: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.203

Keywords: 高寒山区,温度示踪,垂向流速,黑河上游,地下水.
alpine and cold region
, heat tracer, vertical velocity of water flow, upper reach of Heihe River, ground water.

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高寒山区的地表水与地下水相互作用的定量研究对水资源的评价及管理等具有重要意义,而目前在高寒山区开展的地表水与地下水相互作用的定量研究相对较少.以黑河上游葫芦沟流域为研究区域,采用温度示踪方法对高寒山区河水与地下水的相互作用进行了研究,并对温度示踪方法在高寒山区的适用性进行了讨论.监测了研究区两个时段的地温、河水水位、地下水水位以及河床沉积物底部不同深度处的温度,并对温度系列数据进行定量分析,计算了不同位置处河水入渗流速.结果表明:研究区河水水位普遍高于地下水水位;河床底部温度在9月份整体低于7月;流速计算结果表明监测时段内主要为河水入渗补给地下水,入渗速率整体介于2×10 -6~5×10 -5m/s.温度示踪法在高寒山区的适用性分析表明:在地下水受多途径补给时,温度示踪法仅指示河水对地下水的补给,而其他水源对地下水的补给还要通过同位素方法和数值模拟等其他手段进行计算.影响高寒山区河水对地下水补给的因素主要有:河水与地下水水位、河床沉积物的水力传导系数与热容.
The quantitative research on the interaction between surface water and groundwater in alpine and cold regions is of essential significance for the evaluation and management of the water resources. However, there are relatively few quantitative researches carried out on the interaction between surface water and groundwater in alpine and cold region. Taking Hulugou watershed in upper reach of the Heihe River with permafrost distributed as the study site, monitored temperature time series were used to identify the interactions between river and groundwater, and the utility of heat tracers is also evaluated in this paper. Temperatures of groundwater riverbed sediments at different depths, river stage and groundwater level were monitored at the site. Then, the vertical flow velocities of river water infiltration to groundwater at 3 points along river channel were calculated through the Hatch analytical solutions with the monitored data. The results indicate that river stage was higher than groundwater level, suggesting the recharge of the river water to the groundwater. Temperatures of riverbed sediments were higher in July in comparison with those in September. The river infiltration velocity was between 2×10 -6~5×10 -5m/s in the monitoring period. The analyses show that exchange between river and groundwater can be estimated by heat tracers in alpine and cold regions. However, the other recharge sources to groundwater should be investigated by other methods such as isotopic method and numerical modeling. Exchange between river and groundwater is mainly controlled by the relationship between river stage and groundwater level, hydraulic conductivity and heat capacity of riverbed sediments


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