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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



-  2018 

Mechanisms and Countermeasures of Out-of-Roundness Wear on Railway Vehicle Wheels

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.2018.01.001

Keywords: 车轮非圆化磨耗,轮轨力,车辆/轨道耦合系统,系统共振,对策,
out-of-roundness wear
,wheel/rail force,vehicle/track rigid-flexible coupling system,system resonance,solution countermeasure

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:The rapid development of high-speed railway in China has significantly improved travel, and thus, people's quality of life. Travel times have been greatly shortened and work efficiency has improved considerably. China's high-speed railway network is becoming a "great artery for the rapid development of national economy". However, the wheel diameter of the high-speed trains in operation continues to decrease due to abrasion and reprofiling. At various stages of diameter reduction, varying degrees of polygonal wear occur. At some stages, polygonal wear is severe and significantly increases the forces between the wheel and rail, resulting in strong vibration and noise in railway vehicles and tracks. This problem affects the quality of the train operation, passenger comfort, and the service life of the vehicle and track components. Serious so-called out-of-roundness wear can even threaten the operational safety of a train. In this paper, the types of out-of-roundness wear are introduced. They are mainly divided into two typeslocal out-of-roundness wear and out-of-roundness wear along with the entire rolling circle of the wheel. Local out-of-roundness wear includes wheel flats, spalling, shelling, squatting, and other local defects. Polygonal wear, which is commonly observed on the wheels of various recent high-speed trains, is another type of out-of-roundness wear. In the lifecycle of a wheel, its diameter decreases due to wear and reprofiling, and


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