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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



-  2018 

Survey on light-field displays based on 3D object reconstructions

DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2018.22.044

Keywords: 光场显示,三维物体重构,聚焦辐辏,虚拟现实,
light field displays
,3D object reconstruction,focus-convergence,virtual reality

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Abstract:Present 3D displays, such as parallax barrier displays, lenticular lens displays, multi-projection displays, and scanning stereoscopic displays, mimic human eyes to obtain 3D images using binocular parallax and persistence of vision. However, locating the 3D images on 2D planes instead of reconstructing the 3D object losses the depth information and causes the vergence-accommodation conflict. 3D objects can be reconstructed using volumetric and holographic displays. However, these require processing of a large amount of data so there are technical limitations due to computing speeds and transmission rates. This paper introduces light-field displays based on 3D object reconstructions. The 3D object is reconstructed using the light field, such as the stacked light field display, shutter light field display, integrated imaging display, or vector light field display. The principles and characteristics of the light field displays are analyzed with the vector light field display having excellent prospects for future development.


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