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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Investigation and Analysis to Cognition of Pharmaceutical Practitioners on Traditional Chinese Medicine Injections

DOI: 10.12677/CC.2018.24016, PP. 134-141

Keywords: 中药注射剂,药学从业者,有效性,安全性,叫停上市
Traditional Chinese Medicine Injections (TCMIs)
, Pharmaceutical Practitioners, Effectiveness, Safety, Halt in to the Market

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本文通过问卷调查了2018年进入北京市某医科大学学习进修的所有药学专业从业人员对中药注射剂的有效性、安全性的认知情况。结果显示,在260例有效样本中,倾向于认为中药注射剂有效、安全以及“同意叫停上市”的比例分别为66.5%、34.6%、21.5%,认为中药注射剂有效且安全的比例为30.4%。在有效性问题上,不同学历、不同工作年限、不同工作地点从业者看法的差异无统计学意义。但是,多因素Logistic回归分析显示,1) 学历越高(p = 0.008)、工作年限越长(p = 0.033),越倾向于认为中药注射剂不安全,与是否在医院工作无关;2) 学历越高,越倾向于同意“叫停”中药注射剂(p = 0.011),与工作年限长短、是否在医院工作无关。这说明,有相当一部分药学从业者对中药注射剂的安全性有一定的担心,尤其是高学历者对此类产品的负面的评价更高,应引起政府、企业以及社会的关注。
The present study investigated the recognition status of pharmaceutical practitioners, who un-derwent the professional training in one of the medical universities in Beijing in 2018, on the ef-fectiveness and safety of traditional Chinese medicine injections (TCMIs) by questionnaire survey. The result indicated that the proportions were 66.5%, 34.6% and 21.5% in 260 valid samples, for those who believed in the “effectiveness”, “safety” and “halt in to the market” of TCMIs respectively. The proportion was 30.4% for those who believed in the effectiveness and safety of TCMIs. These were little significance among people on the recognition of effectiveness of TCM regarding to the educational background, duration of working, differences in the workplace. However, the result from logistic regression analysis has revealed that: 1) recognition of unreliability of TCMIs in studying group was positively correlated with education degree (p = 0.008) and duration of working (p = 0.033) of pharmaceutical practitioners, but has no correlation to the working experience in hospitals; 2) recognition of “halt in to the market” of TCMIs in studying group was positively correlated with education degree (p = 0.011), but has no correlation to the duration of working and working experience in hospitals. In conclusion, a considerable proportion of pharmaceutical practitioners have certain concerns on the safety of TCMIs, especially the one who has higher education degree. It should arouse the attention by government, companies and society.


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