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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Organization Appetite for Research: An Integrative Research Definition and Audit Framework to Evaluate Corporate Practice towards Research

DOI: 10.4236/sn.2019.82006, PP. 85-103

Keywords: Organizational Culture, Personality, Corporate Practice

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Organizational culture can be defined as the intermixture between values, visions, language, behaviors and beliefs that shape an entity’s unique operating environment. Although the personality of a business may be difficult to articulate, it can have a huge impact on how members of an organization deal with each other, customers and other stakeholders. A good organizational structure facilitates attainment of objectives through proper coordination of all activities. Recently, practitioners and academics aim to identify type of culture before starting a project. Accepting and conducting research is a project by itself, in which, many organizations have a flexible appetite to conduct research to help their objectives. This paper demonstrates the identification of appropriate frameworks to prepare an audit of the organizational culture towards research informed decision-making and management, which means that the paper will analyze definitions of what research means before conducting the organizational research-culture audit to understand the research appetite of the organization.


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