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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Two-Dimensional Visualization Analysis of Homo Sapiens Gene Sequences

DOI: 10.12677/HJCB.2019.93009, PP. 59-80

Keywords: 染色体序列,mRNA,ncRNA,cDNA,CDS,可视化,概率测量, mRNA, ncRNA, cDNA, CDS, Visualization, Probability Measurement

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Chromosomes are the carriers of genetic information. The number of somatic chromosomes in normal human is 23 pairs, and they have certain morphology and structure. Human beings have lost tens of thousands of genes in the long-term evolution process from apes to humans. Studies have shown that the missing parts of genes can reflect human selection in the evolutionary history. Scientists believe that the loss and replication of DNA may be an important evolutionary motive force. It is of great significance to study these gene changes. The number of Y chromosome deletions in humans is obvious. Millions of years ago, there were about 1500 genes on Y chromosome, but now there are only 40. Gene deletion is a kind of gene mutation. Gene mutation can occur at any stage of development. There are many diseases caused by gene mutation in human. Gene controls the expression of biological traits. Gene sequence from expression to protein is related to the sequence of RNA, ncRNA, cDNA, CDS. This paper is devoted to exploring the relationship between these sequences and visualizing these gene sequences in a visual form. In this paper, the variable probability statistical graphical representation method is used to measure the fragmentation probability of the special sequences of chromosome 2, Y, mRNA, CDS, cDNA and ncRNA in Homo sapiens and map them into several 2D probability statistical maps, so as to compare and analyze the distribution of different gene sequences.


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