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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Patients Related Factors Associated with Non-Adherence to Antihypertensive Medication among Patients at Chuka Referral Hospital, Kenya

DOI: 10.4236/ojcd.2019.93007, PP. 90-113

Keywords: Hypertension, Nonadherence, Medication, Inhibiting Factors, High Blood Pressure, Patients’ Characteristics

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Antihypertensive medication is one way to manage hypertension but many hypertensive patients do not optimize drug therapy to achieve blood pressure control. Hypertensive medication non-adherence continues to become a contributing factor to hypertensive complications like heart attacks, heart failure, stroke, kidney disease. Prevalence of non-adherence to antihypertensive treatment is not known but it’s thought to be increasing. Associated factors of non-adherence are complex, are both internal and external to the patient but are difficult to extrapolate. This can partly be because the determinants of non-adherence to hypertensive may have a locality effect due to many factors such as culture and health system in a given locality. Hence, studies from one region may not have a cross-application. Therefore, there is the need to study the factors associated with non-adherence at a local scale. Descriptive study design was adopted to guide the implementation of the study. The population comprised of 575 people among doctors, pharmacists, nurses, record officers and hypertension patients. The respondents were identified through simple random sampling and a sample size of 81 patients was achieved and 10 health care providers including doctors, pharmacists, record officers and nurses were also interviewed through census method. Data was collected between the month of April and May 2019. Questionnaires were used as data collection t


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