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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Forecasting-Based Adaptive Optimized Dispatch in Smart Grid Online

DOI: 10.4236/ijmnta.2020.91001, PP. 1-18

Keywords: Machine Learning, Smart Grid, Adaptive Control, Dispatch Power, Online

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The power grid is a fusion of technologies in energy systems, and how to adjust and control the output power of each generator to balance the load of the grid is a crucial issue. As a platform, the smart grid is for the convenience of the implementation of adaptive control generators using advanced technologies. In this paper, we are introducing a new approach, the Central Lower Configuration Table, which optimizes dispatch of the generating capacity in a smart grid power system. The dispatch strategy of each generator in the grid is presented in the configuration table, and the scenario consists of two-level agents. A central agent optimizes dispatch calculation to get the configuration table, and a lower agent controls generators according to the tasks of the central level and the work states during generation. The central level is major optimization and adjustment. We used machine learning to predict the power load and address the best optimize cost function to deal with a different control strategy. We designed the items of the cost function, such as operations, maintenances and the effects on the environment. Then, according to the total cost, we got a new second-rank-sort table. As a result, we can resolve generator’s task based on the table, which can also be updated on-line based on the environmental situation. The signs of the driving generator’s controller include active power and system’s f. The lower control level agent carries out the generator control to track f along with the best optimized cost function. Our approach makes optimized dispatch algorithm more convenient to realize, and the numerical simulation indicates the strategy of machine learning forecast of optimized power dispatch is effective.


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