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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research on the Impact of Gender, Shopping Experience, Income to Trust Transfer

DOI: 10.12677/MOM.2019.91001, PP. 1-10

Keywords: 信任转移,性别差异,购物年限,购物频率,收入水平
Trust Transfer
, Gender Difference, Shopping Length, Shopping Frequency, Income

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The paper made investigation of Yonghui supermarket, and researched consumers’ trust transfer from the supermarket to online shopping platform with the same brand, to analyze the impact of consumers' factors such as gender, shopping length, shopping frequency and income level on trust transfer. Using questionnaires to collect data, using SPSS and multivariate Logistic regression model, empirical study is aimed to find out the impact of consumer factors on trust transfer. The results show that in the Chinese e-commerce market, while consumers transfer the trust from the store to shopping platform, the gender difference does not have significant positive impact, which increases an example for foreign academic argument. Shopping length and shopping frequency affect trust transfer; consumers rely on their own transactions experience to decide whether to change shopping channel. Furthermore, there is no significant influence of income level on trust transfer.


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