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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Spin Wave Modes and Dynamics of Three-Dimensional Magnetic Nanodisks under Perpendicular Resonant Magnetic Field

DOI: 10.12677/CMP.2019.82006, PP. 41-51

Keywords: 磁涡旋态,自旋波模式,磁模拟
Magnetic Vortex
, Spin Wave Modes, Magnetic Simulation

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We studied the spin wave modes in permalloy nanodisks with different thicknesses under the ex-citation of a perpendicular ac magnetic field, using micromagnetic simulations. When the thickness of permalloy nanodisks is comparable to its radius, the magnetic moments are nonuniform along the disk thickness, forming a football-like vortex core in which middle part is larger than the ends, due to competition between demagnetization energy and exchange energy. And we observe not only the excitation of radial spin wave modes, but also hybridization of standing wave along the disk thickness with radial spin wave modes. The eigenfrequencies of such hybrid modes are much larger than the low-order radial spin wave modes. When the thickness of the disk is large enough, we observe hybridization of the high-order standing wave with radial spin wave modes, but near absence of pure common radial spin wave mode. By applying a perpendicular phase-matched resonant magnetic field, the vortex polarity can be easily switched.


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