Separation of molybdenum isotope complexes by
supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) with carbon dioxide was studied
experimentally. The extraction of molybdenum isotope complexes was carried out
in the updated extraction chamber (reactor) of the SFE-U
installation, which provided an initial pressure of P≤ 20 MPa at constant temperatures of the upper T1 = 35°C and bottom T2 = 45°C flanges. The device, through which the
eluent was discharged, involved a set of four thin tubes of different lengths
located inside the reactor.The axes
of the tubes and the reactor are parallel and the tubes are equally spaced
circumferentially inside the reactor. The extract was removed from each tube
through channels isolated from each other and located in the bottom flange with
cylindrical expansion, in which several layers of filter paper were placed.
After passing through the filters the extract entered a restrictor designed to
remove the eluent from the reactor. The initial pressure of carbon dioxide and
the holding time of the extract were specified in the experiments. The level of
the eluent sampling was set by the lengths of the tubes depending on the
reactor height. A method of producing molybdenum complexes was described. It
was experimentally shown that at an initial pressure of 20 MPa and a given
holding time a difference from the natural content of Mo isotopes for
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